Fueling Your Workout

January 2, 2023

This month I’m introducing the lifestyle habit of fueling workouts properly – what does your pre workout fuel look like?

When you workout do you have the energy you need?  We burn fat when carbohydrates are present, this gives us great energy during our workouts. So if you are looking to make the most out of your precious workout time, don’t work out on an empty stomach!

Next time you work out, think about it, do you have enough energy to make it through the workout? If not, maybe you didn’t fuel your body enough…

Ask yourself some questions:

  • When do you typically workout? 
  • When was the last time you ate? 

Fuel your body – pre workout

Ideally we want you to fuel 2-3 hours before a workout with a balanced snack or meal.  This means having a mid-afternoon snack before your workout.  OR IF you work out first thing in the morning, at least have 1/2 banana or 8 oz of a glass of milk (something with carbs in it). Something that is easily digestible and gives you something in your system.

Of course, always make sure you are well hydrated as dehydration can also hold back your workout too.

Learn more about HOW to fuel your workout pre, during and post workout, from the Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics – Click Here.

We’d love to check out your pre workout fueling routine… Schedule a Discovery Call Today!

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