Hydration without the Hype
September 1, 2021
Hydration! We can’t live without fluids.
Hydration, my clients will tell you, is the 1st habit we discuss when working on achieving a healthy lifestyle. Water is important for every cell of our body. It is an essential nutrient, one that must be consumed throughout the day. We can not live much more than 3 days without it.
But how much fluid do we need? And where does fluid come from? How can we make sure we are getting enough? Should you buy specialty waters such as Alkaline Water?
All of these questions are answered in my recent podcast. If you haven’t found it, search for “The Secret Life of Dietitians” wherever you get your podcast. Check out our Hydration episode here or wherever you get your podcasts!
Let’s get started…
As I mentioned, hydration is my number #1 habit, but there are many others. I’m excited to announce that I will be hosting an 8 week challenge starting October 4th – “Step Up To The Plate”. Can you join me? Learn more here.

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