Dining Out Made Easy

90% of people say that they enjoy dining out, but the question is, “Can we make dining out healthier?” What does the dietitian say?

Making Substitutions, Balanced Plates and More when Dining Out

Hi! My name is Julia Trader, and I am currently interning with Laura Poland at Dietitian in Your Kitchen. A couple weeks ago I wrote a blog post about hydration that was based on a podcast Laura and her fellow dietitian Amy Keller recorded for The Secret Life of Dietitians.  This blog post is also based on a podcast of theirs and is all about dining out! You can listen to the full podcast “Enjoying Dining Out” here to get all the fast facts on dining out!

Dining Out Isn’t “Bad”

In a way, it is important to make sure that restaurants are a part of our lifestyle. We should not avoid them, but rather embrace them and recognize that they are a big part of our culture.  Most people find them enjoyable, so we should let ourselves enjoy them!

How To Prepare to Dine Out

To ease some of the stress that can come along with dining out, it is helpful to take a glance at the menu ahead of time.  This is especially helpful if you have never eaten at a specific restaurant before.  You can look at the restaurant’s menu on their website and oftentimes see calories counts for the foods that they offer.  You can see even things like sodium levels which tend to not be in the forefront of our minds when we are selecting an item off the menu.  It also just gives you an idea of the kinds of options that they offer at the restaurant. 

The Challenging Part of Dining Out

 While restaurants are supposed to be fun, there are some aspects of them that become challenging.  This is especially true if you are trying to live a healthy lifestyle.  The portions at restaurants often tend to be much larger than the portions we eat at home.  You might not always have a say in where you eat out.  Oftentimes, we just eat where our friends want to eat.  Also,  I think we can all agree that we want to get our money’s worth when we are dining out, and this unfortunately leads to us eating more than we should.  This idea can come into play a lot at buffet style restaurants. 

Solutions When Dining Out

Lucky for us, the above challenges are all ones that we can offer solutions towards.  First off, do not be too hard on yourself.  Again, this is supposed to be an enjoyable experience, so if there is something on the menu that appeals to you, you should get it! However, it is helpful to entertain the thought of, “Is there any way that I can make this just a little bit healthier?”  For example:

  • If something is higher in calories, try and balance it with an item that is lower in calories.  If something is higher in fat, try and balance it with a food that is lower in fat. 
  • Try and get a balanced meal.  Picture the “myplate” image in your head, and try to hit all of the sections if possible.  If what you want does not have all the food groups, see if you can add something to your meal, that would make it a more balanced plate.
  • You can always do substitutions.  Let’s say the meal they offer is a hamburger and fries.  Instead of the fries, ask if you can have broccoli instead! Or, if you really want the fries, maybe substitute out the burger with a salad.   
  • Always try and plan ahead when dining out.  Think, “This can be my dinner tonight and then also my lunch tomorrow.”  Something that is really helpful is asking for the to go box right when they bring your meal.  This is great because then you are able to portion your meal off right from the start. 
MyPlate Visual for Dining Out

Quick Tips for Dining Out

  • It’s always a great idea to split a meal with the person you are dining with.  It saves money and is healthier for you! 
  • If your meal does not already come with one, add on a fruit or a vegetable!
  • Do not go to a restaurant starved if you can help it.  You will end up eating way more food than you need. 
  • Try to eat your food slowly.  Don’t scarf it down!

Final Takeaways:

  • Never be afraid to ask to make a change to an item on the menu.  Chances are you are not the first person to ever ask! Most of the time the waiters are super nice about it and want to help you!
  • Don’t be afraid to try new things at a restaurant.  Who knows, you could end up finding your new favorite meal!
  • Lastly, dining out is a fun thing so let it be fun! Don’t become so stressed about what to order and how to make it healthy that it becomes a miserable experience! Enjoy your meal and the time with your friends and family!

For more questions feel free to schedule a time to meet with a dietitian at dietitianinyourkitchen.com

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