Produce Delivery Services
May 2, 2021
Rescued, boxed and delivered… Perfectly Imperfect Produce, from right here in Ohio, is helping to reduce food waste and provide fresh produce to local food pantries. We all could use more fruits & vegetables in our diets. If you’ve ever considered produce delivery services, we recommend you check out Perfectly Imperfect Produce.

“Our country wastes 40% of the food we produce, which ends up in landfills where it turns to methane — a greenhouse gas 100 times more potent than carbon monoxide. For every box purchased, we donate fresh produce to local food pantries.”
Perfectly Imperfect Produce
Watch my interview with Jodi Michelle, Director of Customer Service & Community Relations here:
Learn all about produce delivery services, options, and how they reduce food waste. Ready to order your first box? Check out your options and use the Promo Code DKIT2021 for 20% off your first order!
Jodi mentioned all of their produce recipes can be found on the “Ugly Food Makeover” @
And contact Jodi at or 844-VEG-4ALL (844-834-4255)
For assistance with your personal nutrition goals, consider working with our dietitians. Schedule a discovery call now: Click Here
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